Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
Kitchen remodel
kitchen remodel-after
The original kitchen can be seen below. Out dated, flimsy, inadequate cabinetry with insufficient storage and work area typical of '60s and '70s ranch
housing. Everything was removed including a wall by the dining room. Everything was renovated and updated, plumbing moved, electrical outlets added.
New flooring, a bay window as well as the cabinetry. All of the wood, including plywoods(all wood from carbon neutral sources), for the cabinets was
carefully selected. They were hand dyed to bring out the startling grain as well as to color them. The counter tops were done by CounterEvolution, hand
made concrete tops with inlaid, recycled glass. The larger photos may be enlarged by clicking them and I recommend doing so to appreciate the change
that this renovation made to this Kettering ranch home.
Bay/garden window